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The Humane League Works To Free Factory Farm Animals From Horrid Conditions Leadership

The Humane League Works To Free Factory Farm Animals From Horrid Conditions

Industrially raised poultry crammed in cages.

Industrially raised poultry, which crams animals into cages, represents 99% of U.S. chicken meat.

Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Factory farms aim to maximize profits with little to no regard for animal welfare. Around the world, over 70 billion animals in factory farms are suffering right now in horrid conditions. More than 99 percent of US meat production facilities are factory farms, killing an average of 23 million animals every day. Factory farms are also harmful to human health. An investigative white striping report from The Humane League revealed that 99 percent of the packaged meat sold in US supermarkets comes from diseased chickens.

Thanks to efforts by the global animal welfare nonprofit The Humane League (THL), over 100 global companies have pledged to eliminate battery cages. As a result, 100 million hens will never face life living on top of each other in a cage. 297 corporate commitments were made to end some of the cruelest animal practices. Six grocery chains have committed to reforming their treatment of chickens.

“With the invaluable assistance of The Humane League, our animal welfare partners, we were able to declare our commitment to a 100 percent global cage-free egg supply chain by 2025,” says Francisco Moreno, the chief operating officer of gategroup, the global leader in airline catering and on-board retail. “We’re happy to report our current supply chain is 75 percent cage-free and that we’ll be continuing our work with The Humane League in the future.”

Vicky Bond headshot

Vicky Bond, PhD is president of The Humane League.


Although trained as a veterinary surgeon and practicing as a veterinarian initially in her career, when Vicky Bond, PhD witnessed first-hand the horrors that take place on factory farms, she decided to dedicate her life to helping animals by raising the standard of animal welfare practices. She helped found The Human League in the UK, and later moved to the US to head THL internationally as president.

“If I were to work treating animals on farms, I would simply be treating a single animal at a time and not dealing with the bigger picture,” says Bond. “By getting even a single company to end cages for laying hens, we help many millions of animals every year. That was my inspiration for going into this work — knowing the system needed to change and that my veterinary degree brings me knowledge and credentials that mean executives in companies are more likely to listen to me.”

Going up against the biggest food companies on the planet, which put profit before anything else, poses an immense challenge for THL. “They are the Goliaths and we are David,” says Bond. “That means we have to be relentlessly optimistic when the odds are very much stacked against us.”

To keep herself motivated, Bond often pictures in her mind’s eye the animals she has seen suffering: Sows looking up from crates, chickens unable to walk, pigs still conscious hanging from slaughter lines. She recalls their looks of sheer terror and anguish. Then she thinks about how she can help them.

Bond with chickens

To stay motivated, Bond frequently think of the animals whose lives she is improving.


The greatest reward of her career, Bond says, is knowing that she has made a difference in reducing the level of suffering in the world. “I’m grateful I can use my knowledge and skills to make lasting change for billions of animals,” she says. “Working with a team to do this is an incredible privilege. I am truly inspired by all the activists I get to work with on a daily basis across the globe.”

How can other people tap into their life purpose? Bond recommends trying out different things. “There’s no need to instantly narrow down your career. So many skills are transferable. You don’t have to be in one career forever; in fact, having a varying background can be super helpful. If you are keen to work in the not-for-profit sector, you can get experience elsewhere and bring it to an organization once you are more clued into what you want to do.”