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Use Public Declaration To Catalyze Positive Change Leadership

Use Public Declaration To Catalyze Positive Change

CEO, Clear Impact Consulting Group. Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Organizational/Team Effectiveness.

Mid adult businessman talking to his colleagues on presentation in the office.


Our leadership clients frequently have shifts they want to make in how they lead. Sometimes this is the result of a 360 and the work we’ve done in helping them identify the one or two key behaviors that can have the biggest overall impact on their effectiveness with both task and people.

At other times it comes from insights they’ve derived from our work with the Enneagram, as they gain new insight into their strengths, habits and patterns, and choose one particular focus area in which to build their leadership capacity.

There’s a simple yet remarkably powerful strategy my partner and I have been using for years to assist these clients in catalyzing these desired changes. It’s making a public declaration of the change they are committed to making.

Why is this so powerful? There are several reasons. Let’s use the example of one of our executive coaching clients who made a public declaration to the entire organization after receiving a 360 feedback report. “I’ve heard, loud and clear, that I’m much better at giving advice than at listening. I realize this isn’t respectful, and I lose the benefit of understanding your perspective first. My commitment this year is to make sure I ask two or three sincere perspective-seeking questions before jumping to sharing my thoughts. If you notice me reverting to old habits, please let me know. I promise to thank you.”

So what are some of the benefits of this strategy? Let’s take a look.

1. Overcome Confirmation Bias

What is confirmation bias? Our brains are designed to not have to work too hard. One of the ways we do this is to put people in our lives into a “box” that represents who we think they are, what good and bad qualities they have, etc. We then look for data that confirms our preexisting biases and ignore evidence to the contrary for as long as possible. This makes life so much easier!

The problem is this whole process is unconscious, and if you’re a leader looking to change your behavior, people are likely to overlook the positive changes you’re making and only make note of what confirms their previous opinions. “There, you see, they’re still doing it!” Using the example of our executive coaching client, now stakeholders will be looking for the expressed change, rather than the familiar behavior.

2. Set Up Feedback Loops

This same leader also let people know that they’d be asked, now and then, whether they were seeing those changes. We have some leadership clients who gather this information periodically with a numerical rating, sometimes anonymously and sometimes not. Our favorite rating scale is from -3 to +3, where zero means no real change, +1 means a little better, -1 a little worse, +2 a lot better, -2 a lot worse, +3 hitting it out of the park and -3 really bombing.

3. Increase Motivation

Once you’ve made a public declaration, you’re “on the hook.” People are expecting you to follow through. The stakes are higher. Now, you can’t put this on the shelf as something you’ll get to when there’s time, especially because that usually means you’ll never get to it! You’ve announced your intentions, and now people are looking for new behaviors. You know you’ll lose face if you don’t follow through, and this makes it easier to have this desired change stay in the foreground rather than the background.

4. Add Clarity

Taking the time to frame your public declaration also helps you frame exactly what you’re going to be doing and why. You’ll be sharing what values you’re wanting to align with, just like our client who committed to more respectful interactions. Clarifying and then actively engaging your value system is one of the strongest factors in breaking habits. Please see this article for more detail.

Optimizing Your Public Declaration

Now that you know the benefits, let’s talk about some tips and example phrases for making your public declaration.

1. State your desired behavior or outcome in a clear way. What will others see, feel or experience that will be different? “This year I’m committed to being a better listener.” “After receiving 360 feedback, I’ve decided to focus this year on further developing my coaching skills.” “I’ve realized I can be reactive at times, and this year I’m committed to being more consistently calm, present and responsive.”

2. What’s the value that your desired behavior or outcome will support? “I’m doing this because I really care about my impact on the human beings in my care.” “I really care about helping others develop.” “I see the importance of psychological safety, and I want to help cultivate that in my work life.”

3. What are some particular ways you’ll be working toward this goal? “I’ve started a daily reflection practice where I’ll set that intention in the morning, and at the end of the day check in on how I’ve done.”

4. How can others support you? “I’m going to be reaching out to many of you regularly to ask what you’ve noticed.” See above on feedback loops. “Please let me know times when I’m aligned with my goals and also times when you think I’m not. I promise to thank you for pointing out any times I’m not honoring my commitment.”

5. When you share this with people, start with the value (#2) and then the action that will support that value (#1).

6. Please, please do not do this via email. Ideally, it should be in person, or at least on video. Allow yourself to be present, be vulnerable and be seen. Let people see why this matters to you and that you do truly care. You will likely want to share in several contexts: one-on-one with your manager, separately with some of your peers, together with your direct reports, etc. You can even share with your entire organization, in one form or another, which can greatly increase the power of your declaration.

May this catalyze your movement toward your higher goals.

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